God Bless America

Solo Show
Date: 2002 - 2007

MK likes to react to and on society, addressing social and complex issues. In the series God Bless America, MK points out that the American Dream is a propaganda tool, and a facade.

In the powerful staged, images she seduces and provokes the viewer to redefine the image of America. She brings sexuality, violence, racial tension, and female power together in a daring way, and plays with existing prejudices and cliches. MK is inspired by Rembrandt’s Nightwatch in his use of lively composition and use of light.

Dimensions & Editions

Nightwatch: edition of 3. Dimensions: Large - 60x80 inch. Medium 30x40 inch Small - 15x20 inch
Girlfight: editions, same as above. Dimensions: Large - 50x50 inch. Medium - 25x25 inch. Small -15x15 inch
Roadtrip: eeditions, same as above. Dimensions: Large - 60x80 inch. Medium - 30x40 inch Small- 15x20 inch
Victory: editions, same as above. Dimensions: Large - 50x50 inch. Medium - 25x25 inch. Small -15x15 inch

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